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 isgraph()               Test for Printable Character Except Space (Macro)

 #include   <ctype.h>

 int        isgraph(c);
 int        c;                           Integer value to be tested

    isgraph() tests whether 'c' is a printable character. The space
    character (' ') is not considered a printable character.

       Returns:     True (nonzero) if the integer satisfies the test
                    condition or false (zero) if it does not.  The result
                    is undefined if 'c' is other than an ASCII character
                    or EOF.

         Notes:     isgraph() is a macro.

See Also: isalnum() isalpha() isascii() iscntrl() isdigit()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson